How to Make Money as A Nano Influencer

Although the word “influencer” describes itself, let’s look at what it is. Because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience, an influencer has the power to influence others’ purchasing decisions. Nano influencers are usually the type of influencers who have followers in local areas and have little or no experience in branding. Although the followers of nano influencers are few, the trust rate of the followers to the influencer is high as well as the level of participation in any action. Gradually, these features make them important to brands and influencer marketing agencies. Brands are now looking for influencers with fewer than 5,000 followers to collaborate with, and those are nano influencers. In this article, we will see how to make money as a nano influencer.

Brands Want Nano Influencers

Influencers, as brands believe, have the capacity to affect consumers’ opinions in favor of their products since they have a close relationship with their audience. Today’s marketers recognize the genuine connection and engagement that nano influencers provide. And they want nano influencers. This request of nano influencer speeds up the monetization process. But there are still things to do to make money as a nano influencer.

Find your niche

To begin with, you need to determine your niche. It can be anything from cooking to traveling. But it should be something you are passionate about because you have to post consistently. If you don’t want to get bored and quit, choose your niche carefully!

Find your story

After you find your niche, you can focus on your story. Your all-social media platforms should tell a story. Let’s say you are a basketball player who loves to cook. Everyone should be able to understand that you are a basketball player who loves to cook. You should have photos of you playing and cooking. This is important because this is where you get more followers. Good story means loyal followers.

Posting is crucial

It is not a 9-5 job, so you need to be able to post anytime. A social media plan may be good for you to plan your posts, stories, reels. It will look suspicious if you disappear two days and then start posting again. You need to build trust between you and the brand. Why do they work with you if you are not trustable?

Know the rules

Take some time to read and learn how other influencers handle collaborations if you haven’t done any yet. Like any other job, you need to know some things to be able to start influencing. Observe how other influencers use hashtags to reveal brand affiliations while sharing their content. Remember, knowledge is always power.

Reach Brands

You can start proposing brands for collaboration once you’re comfortable with your content, engagement rate, and knowledge. Propose brands that you actually use and enjoy, rather than those that you see working with other influencers on a campaign. Show a few examples of your previous success when proposing. At the end of the steps, you will start making money as a nano influencer.

While doing all of that, remember to join influencer networks. You can get works from those platforms. Also, the people you meet at those platforms may help you on your journey.

I hope this article will help you start making money as a nano influencer. The key here is not to give up! Please share your story with us and don’t forget to comment!