New Instagram Feature: Reshare

A new feature has been announced for Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. The “reshare” sticker is coming to the platform.

The founder of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said that “Instagram is no longer a photo sharing application” and stated that they will focus more on the video side like TikTok and YouTube in the future. Indeed, the platform is changing drastically, and new features continue to come in the focus of this change. In this context, the newly tested feature makes it easier for people to share content from their friends/followers as “Stories”.

Thanks to this new feature, people are presented with all the content they have seen in the last hour that they can share as Stories. This process is done directly on the Story creation page. With this way, there is no need to go back and find the shared content. It is not known exactly when Instagram “reshare”, which looks good in general, will be available for now. However, it will not take long for the feature to arrive.

With this new feature of Instagram, you’ll be able to share your friends’ or followers’ posts as your story! What do you think about this new feature? Leave a comment down below or hit us up on our socials! Stay tuned for more news on social media!