Tips To Increase Instagram Feed Engagement For Your Brand

Instagram engagement is like a popularity meter. It shows you whether or not your content resonates with the audience. In this case, the higher your engagement rate, the more your content connects with them.

But increasing engagement rates remains one of the most challenging parts for brands. So, we’ve curated some of the best tips to help you increase Instagram feed engagement. Before getting into the list, let’s understand more about this metric.

What is a Good Instagram Feed Engagement?

Good engagement rates typically fall from 1% to 5%. However, the more followers you have, the more challenging it can get to achieve those numbers. You can also use an engagement rate calculator to know your account’s overall engagement.

The number of followers can significantly affect Instagram feed engagement. Based on a report, the average engagement rates for business accounts are:

  • Less than 10,000 followers: 0.76%
  • 10,000 – 100,000 followers: 0.63%
  • Over 100,000 followers: 0.49%

However, these numbers aren’t set in stone. You can always have higher engagement rates with eye-grabbing content. So, here are some tips to help you improve this metric.

Tips to Increase Instagram Feed Engagement

Consider the following strategies to improve your content performance, from creating videos to finding the best posting times and responding to comments.

  1. Invest in High-Quality Short Reels

    Short Reels are an Instagram feature that lets you create and share short-form videos. Investing in high-quality short Reels can impact your engagement since people tend to scroll quickly on the platform.

    Create content that has value to audiences yet makes it entertaining. People tend to spend more time watching educative content that helps them improve their lives. It’s also a good soft-selling strategy.

    Moreover, short Reels often have a higher chance of appearing on Instagram’s Explore page, exposing your content to a broader audience. You can get more likes and comments, boosting your feed engagement.

  2. Add Values to Your Content

    Providing value in your content means going beyond mere promotion. Instead, you offer something meaningful to your audience through content. For example, sharing helpful tips, educational information, entertaining content, or inspiring stories.

    One crucial factor to consider is your target audience’s interests and needs, then aligning your content to address them. Value-added content can capture attention and encourage audiences to stay longer and become loyal viewers.

  3. Add Relevant Hashtags and Captions

    Hashtags and captions are essential in making your content discoverable on Instagram. Some people follow specific hashtags related to their interests, so you have to leverage this opportunity to reach the intended audience.

    Research and use relevant hashtags that align with the theme or subject of your post. You can use online tools to find recommended hashtags around your products or brand. This helps your content meet a wider audience interested in your product.

    Craft engaging captions that prompt followers to interact with your post. Ask questions, encourage comments, or create captions that spark curiosity. Both hashtags and captions contribute to the visibility of your content and can boost engagement.

  4. Partner with Influencers

    Whenever you scroll through Instagram feeds, there must be influencer content in your Explore Page, whether they tell stories, demonstrate a product, or do something else. Influencers have a special place in audiences, making their content much more interesting to watch.

    Besides, influencer marketing isn’t a new trend. More than 78% of U.S. marketers use influencers to succeed in their campaigns. Influencers can promote your products and expose your brand to potentially interested users.

  5. Find the Best Times to Post

    The most effective posting times can vary depending on some factors like your location and target audience, their time zones, and online behavior. Identifying the optimal time to post helps you understand when your followers are most active.

    Use Instagram Insights or analytics tools to monitor your followers’ activity. Posting at peak time boosts your content’s appearance in their feeds and increases its visibility.

    However, experimenting with posting at different times is necessary in many cases. This way, you can see which times work best for your specific audience so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

  6. Post Consistently

    Consistency is often key to success in many aspects, including boosting your Instagram feed engagement. To become consistent, create a regular posting schedule to keep your content flowing.

    Leverage social media management tools to manage your content ahead. They also come with analytics, often giving you insights and tips to boost your Instagram feed engagement.

    When you consistently upload content, audiences can anticipate and look forward to your content every day or week. Regular posting also signals to the Instagram algorithm that your account is active.

  7. Respond to Comments

    Connecting with your audience is essential to build a strong and active community on Instagram. When followers take the time to comment on your posts, responding to those comments creates a sense of connection and appreciation.

    You can answer questions, express gratitude for positive comments, and acknowledge feedback. It is also a way to show that you value and listen to your audience. This two-way communication fosters a positive relationship and can increase engagement over time.

and tips to boost your Instagram feed engagement.

When you consistently upload content, audiences can anticipate and look forward to your content every day or week. Regular posting also signals to the Instagram algorithm that your account is active.


Those are some practical tips to help you improve Instagram feed engagement, from creating video content and partnering with influencers to answering comments. Consider using marketing tools to stay efficient in managing your campaign online.

You can also get valuable insights and recommendations to improve your content’s metrics. Lastly, keep tracking and analyzing your feed to discover what types of content and the best time to post to reach your audiences optimally.