The Rise of Virtual Influencers – How Do They Work?

Although we have witnessed incredible technological developments, virtual influencers are still spectacular for most of the social media users. As they are very successful at arousing interest among audience, brands see the potential in them and they are ready to invest money in virtual influencer marketing. As a substitution for real-life influencers, brands started to use virtual influencer in their influencer marketing campaigns a few years ago. It is at a point that the popular fashion brand, Balmain, took it to whole other level and launched a campaign with full of digital models in 2018. It doesn’t matter if they are real or not, their impact is obvious.

Why do brands choose to work with virtual influencers?

The benefits of working with virtual influencers is obvious. Working with real-life influencers can be pretty challenging sometimes. To find the perfect time to meet them, making arrangements on the campaign together, finding the perfect location and date can be quite time-consuming for brands.

However, working with virtual influencers is highly time-effective and also, cost-effective. First of all, they don’t have to travel the world, virtual influencers can be anywhere, anytime. They are not limited to any logistic choices in this matter. Restriction on accommodation and travel expenses can be reasonable for the campaigns especially if the budget is not too much. Also, virtual influencers don’t require a photography or make-up crew. Collaborating with virtual influencers can also be beneficial in time saving because they don’t have to take hundreds photos. When a problem arises, it takes minutes to fix it and there is no need to wait for the perfect weather or lightning. Besides, working with virtual influencers may enable brands to take more control over the campaign because virtual influencers are mostly flexible.

One of the difficulties in finding the perfect influencer for a campaign or brand is that choosing an influencer who aligns with the brand story. With only a little touch, it is easy to adapt virtuals to any culture or any audience. It is even possible to readjust the influencers’ personality. So, they can fit in with any brand or campaign’s story.

Challenges of Working with Virtual Influencers

However beneficial it is for the brands, there are potential challenges as well. The most possible and biggest challenge may be the inability to build trust. One of the key elements in influencer marketing is to build trust relationship with the audience.  The audience may have hard times to believe the authenticity of a product recommendation coming from a virtual influencer. In the end, they are not able to try the products they recommend. For example, they can’t actually try the clothes on themselves, or see the effects of a beauty product on their skin as the real-life influencers do. It may cause audience to not take virtual influencers seriously.

Let’s get to know the most popular virtual influencers to keep up with!

The Most Popular Virtual Influencers

Lil Miquela

I am sure most of you heard of Miquela Sousa, one of the first virtual influencers, and she is definitely the most popular one with 3M followers. She worked with some of the highest level brands such as Dior, Prada, Calvin Klein and Vogue. It is hard to believe but she even released a single and music video a few years ago. Lil Miquela uses her power on social media to draw attention to sensitive issues such as Black Lives Matter campaign, and protection of LGBTQ rights.


The world’s first digital supermodel, Shudu was created by British photographer, Cameron-James Wilson in 2017. She looks so realistic that Fenty Beauty posted her on their page without knowing that she is a computer generated imaging in 2018. Currently, she is working with Balmain in the company’s digital campaign called “Virtual Army”.

For more information on creation and the rise of digital modeling, you can click here to read Cameron-James Wilson’s experiences on computer generated imaging or watch his speech linked to the article.


Bermuda has became one of the most controversial virtual influencers on social media. One of the many reasons is that she was a Trump supporter, however she changed her political views. Other than that, she likes to humiliate other virtual influencers, and it seems attract many Instagram users. Her former relationship with another virtual influencer, Blawko, also caused some tongues to wag.

Digital world is changing so quickly and we will definitely see more virtual influencers emerging, with new challenges to work with them, and maybe they will find a way to build trust with their audience. Who knows?

What do you think of this new wave of influencers? Will they take over real life influencers in the future or is it not possible? Let us know what you think by commenting below and don’t forget to follow us on our socials!