Can we apply Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” strategies to Influencer Marketing?

The digital landscape is full of competition. Ten years ago, when barely anyone was talking about Influencers, posting average pictures and telling a little story would gain you a decent amount of followers. But today, being an influencer is among the top career targets in middle schools. Influencers need much more than a tagline and pictures; they need everything this new landscape might offer them to strengthen their community. At this point, there are millions of tactics and tips for influencers to thrive in this competition. But I wanted to offer a totally different take: using ancient tactics of Sun Tzu, crafted over two millennia ago for warfare. Imagine wielding the wisdom of “The Art of War” as a guide through the chaotic and unpredictable world of social media. This is not just about warfare; it’s about thriving, mastering the art of digital influence.

The Value of Intelligence: Embrace Audience Insights

“Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits…but must be obtained from men who know the enemy situation.” Intelligence is everything, but it should not be obtained through espionage but through analytics and direct engagement. Dive deep into your analytics, understand who your audience is, what content they engage with most, and when they are most active. This data-driven approach allows influencers to optimize their content strategy according to their audience’s preferences, maximizing engagement and growth.

Strategic Positioning: Find Your Niche

“Good warriors take their stand on ground where they cannot lose.” This principle emphasizes the importance of positioning oneself in a niche where competition is minimal but the potential for influence is high. A classic, right? Identify a unique angle or specialization that sets you apart from others in your field. Whether it’s a particular style of content, a unique perspective on common topics, or a focus on a specific sub-audience, finding and owning this space is key to standing out in a crowded digital battlefield.

The Element of Surprise: Innovate Your Content Creation

“In warfare, seek to strike at what is unexpected.” The digital world thrives on novelty and innovation. Experiment with new content formats, platforms, and collaboration styles. This could mean embracing new social media trends before they become mainstream, experimenting with emerging technologies like augmented reality in content, or finding creative new ways to engage with followers. The element of surprise keeps the audience engaged and intrigued, always wondering what you’ll do next. Do what others are not doing (yet), try what other influencers dare not.

Know Your Battlefield: Understand Your Platform

Sun Tzu asserts, “Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” For influencers, the ‘enemy’ is not a rival but the challenge of the varying dynamics of social platforms. The ‘self’ is their unique brand and content. Mastery over both requires an in-depth understanding of the platforms they utilize, recognizing each one’s unique algorithm, audience preferences, and content style. Like a general surveying the terrain before battle, influencers must adapt their strategies to the digital landscape they inhabit, be it the fast-paced world of Twitter, the visually-driven Instagram, or the emerging territories of TikTok.

Strategic Planning: Craft Content with Precision

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu’s wisdom here speaks to the power of influence without overt persuasion. Can you sell without selling? This requires deeply understanding the needs and desires of your followers and crafting messages that speak to those aspirations. The goal is not merely to attract views but to foster a community of engaged and loyal followers. If you succeed, they (your audience) will know what to do.

Conclusion: The Path to Victory

Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” might emerge as a blueprint for victory in the modern quest for influence. This ancient manuscript, with its deep insights into strategy and adaptability, offers today’s digital influencers a path to not only navigate but to dominate the competitive landscape of social media. Having said that, we can also argue it is not only a beneficial playbook for influencers but also for brands and agencies active in the influencer marketing field. The next part will be for agencies working with influencers while struggling to juggle the ball between briefs, content, KPIs, and invoices.