Rise of Micro Influencers

Micro-influencers can be described as influencers with less than 100.000 followers who focus more on the content they present. Hence, they are crucial to the marketing world. Most brands believe that micro-influencers can help them tap into specific social crowds by influencing their audience’s decision making processes.

The main reason why brands are now more eager to seek to work with Micro-Influencers is a basic communication formula: The greater the audience the influencer addresses, the less probability of passing the real message. Whereas, if an influencer addresses a smaller audience, it enables them to understand their audience needs and connect to them better. This makes their content more genuine, authentic, and persuasive.

What are the perks of working with Micro-influencers?

Higher Engagement Rates

Micro-influencers typically have a higher and more real engagement than macro- influencers. This is because they don’t have a massive fan-following and are able to connect with their followers on a personal level and in a quicker manner. Higher and more genuine interaction between the influencer and the followers mean they’re actively being an advocate for your brand, not simply posting something and letting it disappear into a pool of content.


A micro-influencer is much more affordable than a celebrity influencer which tends to charge a lot higher fees for their collaborations. This is important for small businesses, with limited budgets.

Connection with Niche Markets

Unlike celebrities, micro-influencers tend to have a niche audience, meaning a smaller number of followers, which means the ability to reach a specific, more passionate audiences that broader campaigns may miss. Each of them has an area of expertise and share highly relevant content for that community. This makes them appeal to a particular kind of followers giving brands a chance to reach out to a highly-targeted audience.

Therefore, brands should pick micro influencer whose niche and followers are similar to that of their brand.

In a nutshell, micro-influencers are more aware of their circle, audience, and power. But this doesn’t mean that you should avoid working with macro-influencers. Both macro and micro influencer campaigns have their pros and cons. If you are working on a mass launch campaign and have the budget then you should definitely consider working a macro- influencer. If you’re a relatively new brand with a small budget looking for recognition, micro-influencers will help support your brands goals and grow your brand through influencer marketing.