Instagram Removes Swipe Up Links

Instagram is constantly making changes within its structure. The current change is to remove the “swipe up” feature, which has become almost a habit for all the users. “Swipe up” used to allow people to easily access the links of the other people. Now, this feature switches to something else: Stickers.

The link sticker, which will be in the stickers section of stories, will function as a swipe up. This means people will access the shared links through clicking the link sticker. This change pops up on home page of Instagram for users. You can get the “Swipe up links will soon be stickers” message while you’re browsing the application at any time.

Although some users do not like this change, there are also a large chunk who are very satisfied. The pro-sticker users claim this sticker link will help them draw more attention to their story. Also, placing the sticker wherever they want is one of the features that makes users happy too.

What do you think about linking through Stickers? Do you think it will increase engagement rates? Or do you think removing the swipe up feature was a bad idea? Leave a comment down below or hit us up on our socials!