Increasing Sales Through Social Media: Twitter

With nearly 300 million monthly active users and a tweet volume of over 500 million, there’s no doubt that being on Twitter and creating content for Twitter allows you to reach many, many people.

People take to Twitter wondering what other people and companies have to say, often discovering new accounts to follow along the way. This makes Twitter a great way to connect with your current audience, attract more leads, increase your brand awareness, and use it as a free marketing tool to increase sales.

But just having a Twitter account isn’t enough. Step up your Twitter game and boost your sales with the tips below.

How to Increase Sales on Twitter

Be active

Since Twitter is one of the platforms where content is consumed the fastest, being active on this platform and sharing continuously has an important role in reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.

Of course, being active on this platform does not mean spending your whole day on Twitter. By making a weekly or monthly plan according to the number of content you want to share, you can ensure the continuity of your shares and prevent your followers from losing interest. Before making your social media plan, don’t forget to check out the How to Create the Perfect Social Media Plan in 8 Steps guide we prepared for you!

Use hashtags

Hashtags are a must these days. They are found on almost every platform and seem to be used and loved by everyone. But did you know that the hashtag originated from Twitter?

Chris Messina initially suggested using the # symbol to identify groups on Twitter. Using the hash, users could indicate which group a message was intended for, search for conversations, and find similar users to interact with. Although the idea was initially rejected, it was eventually implemented – and over the years, it has evolved into something much bigger.

So, what do these hashtags do today? The short answer is, when you add a hashtag to a post, Twitter indexes it and makes it searchable. When someone clicks or searches for a particular hashtag, they are sent to a results page showing all relevant posts.

Photo Source: TrackMaven

According to data from TrackMaven, tweets with hashtags get twice as many engagements than those without. But the tricky part is that too many hashtags can have a negative impact on engagement as well. So don’t just go and randomly pick some hashtags to use. If you want to attract the attention of a smaller but more engaged audience, you can turn to niche hashtags. Or, conversely, you can use the most popular hashtags to target a wider audience and get more impressions.

How you use hashtags is totally up to you, but there’s no denying that they are an essential part of Twitter marketing. Whether you create your own hashtags or depend on trends, you can use them to find new followers, build your brand image and increase sales.

Use photos and images

According to Twitter, tweets with images, graphics, and GIFs receive an average of 35% more retweets than those without. Visuals not only make your tweets more interesting and attract new followers, but they also convey and reinforce your brand message. Don’t always stick to text-only tweets. Although the initial focus of the platform was texts, Twitter now covers and welcomes much wider content. While preparing your social media plan, try to take advantage of different types of content, and don’t forget to include videos and images.

Promote your tweets

Once you feel comfortable on Twitter, you can start taking advantage of paid advertising options. You can promote a particular tweet and increase your reach, making it visible to a wider audience. Promoted tweets are labeled as such, but can be liked, retweeted, and commented on just like regular tweets. Also, the cost of promoting is based on the engagement you get, meaning that you only pay when users engage with your tweet.

Use Twitter Analytics

Thanks to Twitter’s very own built-in analytics tool, you don’t have to look far when it comes to tracking the performance of your Tweets. You can find a number of different data such as the number of people who see your posts on Twitter Analytics, the number of retweets and likes you receive, and demographic information about your followers. By analyzing these data, you can gain insight into when you should post or which content type generates the most engagement and improve your Twitter strategy.

Increasing sales on Twitter in a nutshell

  • Make your brand unique by developing a content style of your own and attract new followers.
  • Tweet regularly and stay organized with the help of a posting schedule.
  • Be brief and don’t spam your followers.
  • Use visuals to increase engagement on text-only posts.
  • Use one or two appropriate hashtags per tweet.
  • Engage with your followers and respond instantly.
  • Measure your stats with Twitter’s analytics tools.

Now it’s your turn: tweet, retweet and get inspired! Stay tuned to INFLOW Network to learn how to increase sales on other social media platforms! Good luck!