How To Utilise The Lockdown Time To Create

We are all challenged with COVID-19 nowadays. Just like all other industries, online & social media consumption have been highly affected due to this outbreak. The need for self-isolation caused everyone to stay home and has given us plenty of time to develop a new hobby and spend quality time with our loved ones.

As we are struggling these days; everyone is concerned about their families, friends, and their own health; but at the same time, we need to learn how to utilize our time at home and find new ways to keep ourselves busy and motivated. This brings an opportunity for content creators and wannabes to work on presenting something new.

Creating A Blog

Staying at home comes with an opportunity of full concentration. This is your private time to do research and improve your writing skills. If you’ve been thinking about niche content that you feel like you’re an expert on or something that gives you motivation, this is the time to sit down and write about it. How about a travel blog? A movie & series review blog? Food, Fashion, or lifestyle? The options are really endless!

Creating Videos

Streaming is one of the most preferred activities during this lockdown. While people are staying at home, they want to watch or hear something to cope with this isolation. So why don’t you invite people to watch your daily routine and your isolation activities online?

Sharing your home workout routine, your most delicious recipes, and maybe your skincare routine or makeup tutorial? Try yoga if you’ve never done it before, try to combine two different cuisines to discover new tastes and be creative! Give people a reason to watch your vlogs and give your ideas a try! This is the best way to spread good thoughts to people.

Creating Podcasts

Podcasts’ popularity is certainly undeniable, especially during this lockdown. Start listening to different types of podcasts and discover what topic you’re passionate about that you would like to discuss. This is an alternate way to express yourself to your community. When it comes to the topic, it could be anything: a theoretical issue about sociology, a destination which you have traveled to last year, or maybe your most important relationship advice to inspire people. Sounds like fun, right?

Creating your own #StayHomeChallenge

Until now, we’ve discovered some inspirational and productive ways to spend time at home during this period. As we’ve all accepted that it might take another while to get back to how it’s used to be, we learned how to work from home, study, and keep ourselves busy discovering new hobbies and kitchen skills. It’s also possible to engage with other people online in a fun way: challenges. Joining challenges to show your dance and singing skills and challenge your friends to follow this trend is the best way to engage with your community. Not only dancing or singing; you can find too many challenges that anyone could join and enjoy: language puzzles, DIY at home series, re-making your childhood photos, and more. Create your own challenge and share your skills with the world!

Have you tried creating interesting content during the lockdown? Comment below and tell us all about it.