How to Create A Marketing Project on Snapchat

Even though Snapchat is an aging platform, it is still widely used today. It achieves to remain one of the world’s top 15 most popular social media platforms. It’s pointless to compare Snapchat with other social media platforms because Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram all have considerably more monthly users than Snapchat. But, If you know how to play, using Snapchat for business could still be an efficient approach for your company to reach more audience. This is because, while the monthly user count is lower than other platforms, the number of daily snaps created reaches millions.

You should first learn about Snapchat’s statistics if you want to use it for a marketing project. The most important thing to know about Snapchat is the age group of users. Almost 80% of Snapchat users are younger than 34. So, if your company wants to engage with people under the age of 34, Snapchat is the right platform for you. Also, 30% of Snapchat users do not use any other social media platforms. This means that with the help of Snapchat, you can reach an audience that you couldn’t reach with other platforms.

Now that you know more about Snapchat, let’s talk business. To create a marketing project on Snapchat, first you should open a business account. It’s important to use a business account if you want to do marketing projects regardless of how big your company is. Because having a Snapchat Business account gives you access to more features on the app. These features are there to help you with your marketing plan. To give an example, If you have a Snapchat Business account, you can easily advertise on Snapchat via its Ad Manager. You can also make your job easier by specifying the age and location where you wish to promote. If you don’t know how to create a business account on Snapchat, here is a helping video:

Start Your Marketing Project

Now that you have an account to start with, it’s time to define your marketing project. Start determining what you want to accomplish on the platform and how to connect with your audience the most effectively. You may be concerned about creating good, engaging material for your audience, but because you are familiar with Snapchat, you are aware of their age group and expectations. So, your job is easier now. Here’s some tips for your Snapchat marketing.

  • As a Snapchat user and a company, you’ll have followers. So the most basic way to do marketing is to start snapping! You can notify your followers about new product updates on your store or even give them a demonstration of how to use your products in a creative way.
  • One of the important things for Snapchat users is sincerity and reliability. To gain this, you can share your company culture, your workplace events, and people who are working at your company.
  • Snapchat users also love to explore things they couldn’t reach on other platforms. Therefore, if you give them something that they cannot see on other platforms, you will attract both their attention and curiosity. Show your audience what they want to see. For example they’ll be extremely happy to see some sneak peaks at your company’s upcoming products that you do not share anywhere else.

It’s Takeover Time!

While marketing on social media, it is important not to forget the influence of influencers. Find the right influencers to fit your company and then let them take over your company’s Snapchat account for a day! This marketing trick is also used a lot on Instagram and the result is incredible. You just have to find influencers who are related to your niche, and let them do their magic! Doing this trick is also an excellent opportunity to expand your brand’s following count, since the influencers in charge of the takeover will alert their followers about the event.

Compared to other social media platforms, Snapchat is still not used much for marketing. That’s why marketing in Snapchat could very well lead to success. All you have to do is to follow the steps above, so start by opening a Snapchat Business account.

Have you ever thought about using Snapchat for your marketing project? If not, would you consider using it now? Leave a comment down below or hit us up on our socials! Stay tuned for more news on social media!