Changes to Facebook: Followers Over Likes

Facebook brought a new change to its public pages to give more importance to followers rather than likes. 

Facebook Pages is one of the many ways in creating a brand, a commercial website, or just to raise brand awareness. It is also mandatory for every business account on Instagram to create a Facebook Page to be able to view the statistics of the account. 

Facebook used to provide 2 different numbers to page owners: one number for the amount of likes, and one number for the followers. Facebook claims that this is to make it easier for followers who actually follow the page. Likes on a page usually meant nothing in terms of engagement & enlarging the audience, so this might be a sound decision.

The platform is also bringing out a feature that already exists on Instagram. From now on, comments from public figures will be shown at the top of the comment section to increase engagement, and the followers of the page will also be able to follow other people through the comment section without going to their pages.

Will this affect the way pages are engaging with their followers? Let us know what you think on our socials.